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It is possible to import company’s data to Silverbucket. This document describes the data structures of the entities that can be imported.

The import interface reads csv files (data separated by a semicolon, not colon).

There are eight separate csv files:

  • Organization
  • People
  • Projects
  • Work records
  • Project invoices
  • Project expenses
  • Project reservations
  • User absences

Fields marked with X are mandatory; other fields can be filled if available.

Organization CSV

Organization level’s code
Short code for the organization level, visible in Silverbucket
Organization level’s name
The name of the organization level
Code of the parent organization level
Parent level (empty if top level)

The organization CSV should always contain full export of organization structure. This CSV is optional: if not delivered, the organization should be maintained manually in Silverbucket.

People CSV

Person’s unique identifier
E.g. a unique identifier from a backend system (e.g. SAP). It can also be the same as username.
Person’s first name
Person’s first name
Person’s last name
Person’s last name
Person’s username
This is used for login in Silverbucket. Usually it is firstname.lastname
Person’s email address
Required, if the person needs access to Silverbucket.

Code of person’s organization level.
Delivered in organization CSV

Cost price
This is used e.g. in cost forecasts.

Is external
0=own personnel (default),

Is active account
1=Active (default)

Workday’s length
Default 7,5

Employment start date
In ISO format YYYY-MM-DD

Employment end date
In ISO format YYYY-MM-DD

The people CSV should always contain full export of the source system user database.

Projects CSV

A unique identifier for a project
E.g. an identifier from a backend system (e.g. SAP).
Project name
Project name in Silverbucket

A unique identifier for a program
E.g. an identifier from a backend system (e.g. SAP).

Program name
A program can contain several projects

Customer’s unique identifier
Note! If no id provided, the project will be linked to a customer by customer’s name.
Customer’s name
Customer name.
Project manager’s username
The username value given in person import.

Project’s organization level’s code
Delivered in organization CSV

Project’s budget in currency (own personnel)
Project budget in currency for own personnel.

Project’s budget in currency (externals)
Project budget in currency for externals.

Project’s budget in currency (other income)
Project budget in currency for other income.

Project invoicing type
2=Time and material,

Project type

Project’s hour budget (own personnel)
Project budget in hours for own personnel.

Project’s hour budget (externals)
Project budget in hours for own personnel.

Is active
1=Active (default)

Project start date
In ISO format YYYY-MM-DD

Project end date
In ISO format YYYY-MM-DD

The project CSV should always contain full export of the source system project database, but containing only active projects. Closed projects are transferred for a short period (e.g. 1 month) after closing, then left out of the export file.

Work records CSV

Project’s unique identifier
Identifier from Projects CSV
Person’s unique identifier
Identifier from Person CSV
The date of the work record
In ISO format YYYY-MM-DD

The name of the task
If no name is provided, the project name will be used.
Actual hours for a task

Hourly rate
Invoicing hourly rate for the work record.

The work records CSV should always contain full export of the work records from 60 days in the history.

Project Invoices CSV

Project’s unique identifier
E.g. an identifier from a backend system (e.g. SAP).
Invoice number
Invoice number
Invoice date
In ISO format YYYY-MM-DD
Sum of the invoice
Sum excluding VAT

The project invoices CSV should always contain full export of the source system invoices.

Project Expenses CSV

Project’s unique identifier
E.g. an identifier from a backend system (e.g. SAP).
Expense date
In ISO format YYYY-MM-DD
Sum of expense
Sum excluding VAT

The project expenses CSV should always contain full export of the source system expenses.

Project reservations CSV

Project’s unique identifier
E.g. an identifier from a backend system (e.g. SAP).
Person’s unique identifier
Identifier for Person (username, email or name)
Start date
Start date of reservation period in ISO format, e.g. 2016-07-01

End date
End date of reservation period in ISO format, e.g. 2016-07-31. If end date is not provided, it’s assumed to be the same as start date.
Reservations for the time period
Amount of reservations for the person in the project for the time period in percentage. E.g. 50, which means half of the user’s working capacity for the whole July.

Old reservations for the user in the project for the time period are always deleted before new reservations are imported.

User absences (long) CSV

Person’s unique identifier
Identifier for Person (username, email or name)
Start date
Start date of absence period in ISO format, e.g. 2016-01-01
End date
End date of absence period in ISO format, e.g. 2016-03-31

Optional description for the absence.

ALL absences from the Silverbucket are deleted before any new absences are imported, which means the complete dataset must be provided in each CSV file.